Weekend Wedding Photography: Kait and Adam’s Fusion Video

Love, Stories Documented, Wedding  //  

We gathered into a room full of smiling faces, happy conversation, good tasting food, and, of course, tasty beverages. We have learned that this seems to be just the way Kait and Adam’s family does things!… which might just be one of the many reasons we love them so much! ;)

We were so excited to see them again, just a little over a week since Kait and Adam’s wedding! It was time for them to finally see ALL of their photos from their wedding weekend and we could not wait to share them… most especially their fusion video!

The fusion video has become something that we absolutely love creating with our couples who include it in their weekend wedding photography collection. For Kait and Adam, we gathered on Friday for a quiet morning just 24 hours before their wedding day began! The day was full of fun activities ahead. Kait had a Bridal Luncheon… or Champagne as it has more appropriately been referred to as! ;) and Adam was on his way to a Dogfish Head Brewery Tour with about 20 of the guys he is closest to in his life! How fun is that?!? After their daytime activities, they had their rehearsal and rehearsal dinner… and everything else that comes with it being the day before their wedding! It was so much fun to sit down with them and hear all about their emotions at that very moment! At the end of editing the video and hearing their words a million times over and over again, I finally took some time to sit and back and watch it all the way through. As tears filled my eyes, I knew this was something that Kait and Adam and their families (including generations to come) would cherish forever!

What a sweet evening last night was for us! Not only were we surrounded by our new extended family members ;), we were able to give them something that will forever bring them back to Kait and Adam’s AMAZING wedding festivities and emotions of where it all began!

Kait and Adam (and really the whole family!!) – we love you. ;) Thank you for sharing your hearts with us! Marianne, thank you for your AMAZING hospitality (as always!)! We joked that we should make this a weekly gathering, but maybe we weren’t really joking!? ;) See you next week?!?! ;)