Love and Service | A Recap of Showit United 2013

Gratitude  //  

“We all say we want to serve others, but are we actually doing it?” – David Jay

Showit United 2013 Photos By Liz and Ryan Santa Barbara California Estate Workshop with Mike Larson - Photo (12)

Among many other very profound statements (both gut-wrenching and uplifting!), this was one of the statements David Jay started off the Showit United Conference with last week! It was in that moment that everything became very real! We knew in our hearts this conference was going to be something special, but nothing prepared us for what it turned out to be!

Showit is a service based technology company for photographers. We have been using their website and image delivery platform for a few years now and are SUPER excited to be using their brand new upgraded PASS system for our image delivery this year (more on PASS next week)!! (Wahooo! Our brides and grooms are in for a special treat!). But anyway… ;), Showit has not only developed some AMAZING products for photographers, but they have created a community that is pretty darn special! This year, Showit hosted their very first Showit United Conference and we made it a priority to get there! Over the past few weeks specifically, David Jay (the co-founder) and the other hard-working Showit staff have been blessing the photography industry by being true examples of selfless leaders. They are taking action to make sure the industry is heading in a positive direction… where photographers recognize the importance of their craft and the impact we all can have on this world through our gifts that we have to share.

For four days, we were reminded of this incredible message of service! We were reminded that everything that we do is SO MUCH BIGGER than ourselves. We all have very special gifts that we were given and it is our responsibility to share those gifts with others! At United, we were surrounded by 200 AMAZING people who may call themselves photographers… but in fact, they all are SO MUCH MORE than that! We had the incredible honor to speak from our hearts and share our perspective on this topic during a breakout session! This message of Love and Service was echoed over and over again in the best possible way! It was incredible.

Thanks Abby Grace for taking these photos of us during our breakout session at United! 

This conference was AMAZING! It was such a blessing to our hearts! It fired us up and reminded us once again of how much we truly have to share! We are so honored to have been among such AMAZING company. Every single speaker touched our hearts in a special way! Seriously… there were a lot of tears, friends! ;) And as Natalie Norton taught us recently, “in tears comes truth!” There was so much truth discovered in our hearts last week and we are so grateful! ;)

This picture below of our AMAZING friend Mary Marantz sums up so many of our emotions we felt last week! Gosh, we have seen Mary speak about 30 times now (lol… that might be a little bit of an exaggeration.. lol.. or maybe not?!?! ;) )! and every single time she rocks our world! But seriously, there was something incredibly extra magical about her talk at United! It gives me butterflies just thinking about the way she touched our hearts last week. We are SO GRATEFUL!

Showit United 2013 Photos By Liz and Ryan Santa Barbara California Estate Workshop with Mike Larson - Photo (10)

We cannot end this post without thanking Showit! DJ, Kevin, Andrew, the Support Studs, Dev Guys, … and the whole team!! Honestly, this whole company poured their heart and soul into this conference… Not to promote themselves, but to create positive change and share this message of love and service! It was incredible! We are so honored to have been a part of this! An extra special thank you goes out to Kevin… thank you from the bottom of our hearts for believing in us and encouraging us to share our hearts with the world! We are so incredibly grateful for you!

Showit United 2013 Photos By Liz and Ryan Santa Barbara California Estate Workshop with Mike Larson - Photo (11)

Side note: We have been so incredibly inspired by the overwhelming messages of love and service that was shared last week that we are trying to figure out a way to share it with all of you! Photographers or not! This is a message that we believe everyone needs to hear! ;) We are planning to host a webinar in the near future (next month… date TBA) with a sampling of the message that came from our hearts during United last week! If you would like to join in on the conversation… please sign up for our newsletters and we will make sure you get the heads up when we announce the date!

Have an AMAZING weekend!