Live an AMAZING Life Smile at Strangers

Amazing Life Manifesto, Dreaming  //  

Have you ever heard that quote, “Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you are up to?” How true is that? Smiling is so contagious and it automatically draws people in to see what you have going on! ;)

Live An AMAZING Life: Smile at Strangers The AMAZING Life Manifesto by Liz and Ryan

A few weeks ago, Ryan and I were out and about doing some last minute Christmas Shopping and Ryan was determined to make the experience bright! ;) Not only for us, but for everyone around us! He seriously was saying hi to everyone we passed! ;) He put a smile on his face and just did it! The reactions were kind of AMAZING! Pretty much everyone smiled back… and if they didn’t, they looked at us like, “Ohh, you are talking to me?!?” ;) And then they smiled! ;)

The power of a smile is pretty much awesome! You should try it, Smile at Strangers today, tomorrow and the next day! Not only will you make their day, but you will probably make your own day brighter too!