Date Night – Letter Press and Pazo

Date Nights, Life in Love  //  

To say our lives have been busy over the last several months is an understatement.  Preparing to launch our new brand while also trying to balance all of the necessary work required to still run our business has made for some late nights.  I am sure you all have had similar experiences in your own lives where work and life just don’t seem to balance. It’s at those times we need to take one deep breath and no matter how hard, carve out just a little extra time for that someone special.  Grab a quick coffee, call a babysitter and go on a date.  And most importantly, don’t lose track of what are really the most important things in life.

A few months back, just as we were starting to get into one the busy wedding months of the year, and as we were still finalizing our new brand, we decided to do just that.  We

took a moment to pause life, and went on a super fun date.  One of the things we LOVE the most about our job, is being able to inspire other couples to also be spontaneous and  to make moments to soak each other in.  This was also why we started hosting Couple’s Date Nights with our AMAZING couples.  No matter how long you have been together, never stop dating.  So to continue to inspire you to go on fun dates, we have decided to document some of our most fun dates and share them on our blog.  In fact, we have actually created an entire category just for Date Nights!

For our very first featured date night, we headed out to the Baltimore Print Studio to meet up with our super fun friend Catherine (who we are totally jealous of right now because she is spending time in Italy for grad school as we speak!) to learn what goes into making your very own custom letter press.  Letter press stationary is playing a huge part in our rebranded collateral suite, (future post to come) so seeing how it is actual made was super exciting to us.  After taking turns spinning the giant letter press wheel, we headed out for a romantic dinner at one of our favorite Baltimore restaurants, Pazo!  We sipped on fancy martinis, enjoyed some amazing tapas and shared a super tasty flatbread.

Cheers to making time for more Date Nights and holding the one you love extra close!