AMAZING Life Manifesto: Have an Afternoon Dance Party!

Amazing Life Manifesto, Dreaming  //  

We are not exactly sure how it started, or why it started, but one day, I decided it would be fun to have an afternoon dance party.  So I stopped what I was doing, turned on some music, and preceded to have an afternoon dance party!  Liz looked at me like I was crazy and quickly began to laugh uncontrollably.  At that moment, I knew I had succeeded!   Because what is life without a little laughter and fun!  I pulled her out of her chair and we had an afternoon dance party in our living room.  It was probably one of the most fun afternoons of work ever!

Still not convinced? Research has shown that dancing reduces stress, increases energy, and lowers your risk of heart disease.  Plus it is super FUN!  And that is truly what makes an AMAZING life.  So get up and move, turn up the music and have an afternoon dance party!  And if you think you look silly, who cares!  Just watch our dance moves, yours can’t be any worse than ours! :)

As part of our brand re-launch, we asked all of our friends and family to have their own dance party!  We were so excited to see all the FUN videos from everyone so we wanted to continue the party!  Check them out on our Facebook Page! Get out your iPhones, Droids, 5D Mark II, or anything else that records video.  Celebrate your AMAZING life and share your moves with us on our Facebook page for your chance to win an iTunes gift card!!!

Plus, we are always adding to our dance party playlist, leave us some comment love and let us know what songs get you moving!!!

Congratulations to Ryan Ray, the winner of our Friday Favorites giveaway