An email that made me cry.

Gratitude  //  

We were in the middle of Portland at a restaurant called Duckfat. Yes, it is as AMAZING as it sounds. Their fries are pretty much out of this world. The tables were full inside, but we didn’t mind taking the opportunity to soak in the Maine air just a little bit longer. We had just completed the AMAZING Life Escape and said our fairwells to the AMAZING couples who surrounded us all week.

Our emotions were all over the place. We were excited, refreshed and feeling more in love than ever! However, at the same time, we were feeling physically exhausted and not quite ready to jump into the swing of things! We had just spent a few days unplugged and could only imagine how many emails were facing us in our inbox. I was literally avoiding my phone and trying to extend our escape as long as possible! ;) However, Ryan was a little quicker to jump into things. I had just gotten done telling Ryan how much I was not looking forward to even opening our inbox. And then we heard the buzz. An email came in and Ryan decided to take a look. It was as if he knew what was coming and knew I needed to read it.

It was an email from one of our grooms and it literally made me cry. As I sat there eating my duckfat fries, I cried. Lol. The email came in at the exact time I needed to hear it. Seriously, the words that our groom had shared hit me hard. When it is becoming more and more common for us to hear, “ohh my friend with a camera is taking our photos…” or “my uncle is just going to take some shots for us” it is so easy to lose site of just how meaningful our jobs really are.

As I shared in my Note to Engaged Couples a few weeks ago, it breaks our heart knowing that not every couple is going to have photos that they truly love and appreciate. The thought that our groom’s friend has blurry photos and probably won’t be hanging them in their home, makes me sad. However knowing that we are able to provide a service that our couples truly enjoy and appreciate now and will enjoy and appreciate for so many years to come is incredibly heart warming! Receiving incredibly thoughtful emails from our AMAZING couples who appreciate us and our work mean so so so much to us.

We decided to remove our groom’s name from the email so that he doesn’t face any awkwardness with his friends… lol. But to this special groom and all of our couples who have shared their love and appreciation with us… you make our hearts smile. (And sometimes bring us to tears… but I promise they are happy tears!) We are so grateful for all of our couples for believing in us and truly valuing and appreciating our services that we are blessed to be able to share!

Liz and Ryan Photography Review