Category: Dream Big

Whatever it is you do today do it with love-photo

Live Everyday and Do Everything with Love

Dream Big, Dreaming  //  

What if we could end the divorce rate? What if we were able to help couples live a more amazing life together? What if we could help couples have the same joy they had on their wedding day, every single day in their marriage?

At first these all seem like crazy ideas and dreams that we couldn’t possibly hope to accomplish. People have told us, “you’ve only be married 5 years, what do you know about the struggles of marriage” or “What makes you an expert on marriage?” The truth is nothing makes us an expert on marriage. And sure, our first 5 years of marriage have been pretty darn AMAZING. But the fact is, no matter what other people say about us, or our “lack of experience” none of it can affect our passion to help couples have a more amazing life together!

What is the chance that we can end the divorce rate? Absolutely zero if we don’t do anything!

In the wedding photography industry, and within the larger wedding industry in general, people are so excited and eager to give advice for an amazing wedding. There are countless blogs and magazines that share ideas from how to pick the perfect photographer to how to decorate your reception tables. Unfortunately, the thing that is not always at the forefront is how to actually prepare to be married to each other. It is actually difficult to find resources or inspiration for couples to help them stay in love as much as they are when they say, “I do.”

In business, people are quick to sign up for workshops, conferences and seminars. But in life, we often don’t see the need to commit to the same sort of investment. As Kid President would say, “This is your life, people!”

With all of these thoughts in our mind, we decided to do something. We decided that even if we can help one couple have a better marriage or one couple take time out of their busy week for a date night, then all our efforts would be worthwhile.

We sat together and talked about our passions. We talked about our business and our life together. We asked ourselves if there was one thing in our life that we could do that was truly worthwhile, one thing that we would be willing to give up everything for, one thing we would be willing to take criticism on, what would it be and would we still do it? The answer to this question was yes! That one thing we would do was to help couples live a more amazing life together.

As photographers, we have the amazing opportunity to work with couples that are in love, to capture that love in photos for generations to see 50 years from now. Each time we pick up our camera and photograph our couples, our goal is to create images that let their love shine through. But, in addition to photographing weddings and love, we have the opportunity to do so much more.

For the past month, these thoughts have been at the forefront of our mind. So we decided to take action. We decided to create a webinar for couples that gives them an excuse to take time to focus on each other, a time to have a date night, or cuddle together and enjoy breakfast in bed. We decided to create a webinar that focused on couples, love and marriage. But, we knew we shouldn’t do it alone. We knew that if we included other couples, other love inspirers with similar hearts, that we would be able to reach the lives of so many more! And it is for those reasons that we decided to create the AMAZING Life Together More Time for Love Webinar.

If you are a couple in love, planning your wedding, married for 6 months or 60 years, we would love to have you join us for free on April 26th – 27th.

Every couple has a story to be shared; every couple can learn from others experiences even if it is a simple reminder of how great their own marriage is already!

Whatever it is you do today do it with love-photo

Since we launched our site we have received some amazing feedback on what we are doing! But, we have also seen criticism and been ridiculed as well. When I started writing this post today, my original thought was to address these criticisms, but then I realized, no matter what, “haters are gonna hate.” So, instead of worrying about people trying to bring us down, we are going to focus on lifting others up. Each day we have the opportunity to choose our own actions. Today and everyday, no matter what it is that we do, we are going to live everyday and do everything with love. How will you spend your day today?


Ideas for an AMAZING Life: 3 Steps to Kickstart Your Dreams Photo

Ideas for an AMAZING Life: 3 Steps to Kickstart Your Dreams

Dream Big, Dreaming  //  

I remember the exact moment at the What If Conference when I looked over at Lara and it seemed as though she was in a dream. She had this smile on her face that seemed to be permanent and certainly was not going away anytime soon! ;)  It was one of those smiles that made people wonder what she was up to!

At that very moment, Lara had let her mind wander and she was quickly reminded of a project that she had dreamed of starting with her husband four years ago. She had big ideas to start this business, but fears and doubts stood in their way. Their dreams were pushed to the back of their minds while they continued to live their lives day to day.

As this dream came to the forefront of Lara’s mind over and over again at What If, Lara realized it was time to make this happen. She went home and just one month later, Lara and Peter have officially launched Paper Boat Recording!  Ideas for an AMAZING Life: 3 Steps to Kickstart Your Dreams Photo

The story behind Paper Boat Recording is pretty AMAZING and we hope that you will go read more on their site (and leave them some love on Facebook too)! Lara lost her mom a few years ago and one of the biggest things she misses is hearing her mom share the stories of her childhood. These spoken words are the kinds of things that so many of us take for granted! With Paper Boat Recording, Lara and Peter want to record the moments that make up people’s travels through life. They dream of documenting the special memories and everyday moments – “to keep them safe, so that you may travel forward, knowing you can always look back when you wish.”

With Lara being a photographer and Peter being a sound engineer, they are using their gifts and their passions to document stories in a special kind of way! We are so excited that Lara and Peter have launched this dream of theirs and are touching the lives of others along the way!

We hope that you will find your mind wandering today and leave you with that smile that makes people wonder what you are up to! Then follow Lara and Peter’s example and go and make that dream happen!


Crushing Fear! | BIG ANNOUNCEMENT Coming at 12:00 p.m. TODAY

Dream Big, Dreaming  //  

There is something that we really have not been able to go a day without thinking about… and TODAY is the day that we are going to share it with all of you! So excited to be launching something AMAZING, crazy, exciting, and hopefully life changing for so many! TODAY at 12:00 p.m.! Don’t miss it here on the blog!!

Be Brave Enough to Say Your Dreams Out Loud (10)

Be Brave Enough to Say Your Dreams Out Loud

Dream Big, Dreaming  //  

Leading up to this crazy adventure we just completed, we could not wait to be a part of something that was definitely going to change people’s lives. We knew that Justin and Mary had AMAZINGNESS in store and we were sure that all of the attendees of the What’s Next Tour would walk away with their hearts in a magical place. We knew that they would be touched in a special way and soon those dreams would become a reality.

We could not wait to embark on the crazy adventure for many reasons, but mostly because we wanted to be a part of this life changing experience! As we prepared for the trip, I decided to give myself a challenge to make sure that I did not miss anything. I challenged myself to strike up conversations with new friends (which is actually really hard for my introverted self) and find someone who would allow me to document this life changing experience for them. With a simple Instagram picture, it was my goal to capture a photo of an attendee at each stop holding my journal with their What’s Next written down within.

“Something really big happens when you are brave enough to say out loud, this what I want for my life.” These are just a few of the words that Mary spoke out loud at each and every stop. Everyone had the opportunity to share their What’s Next. To write it down and say it out loud. For these AMAZING new (and old) friends… they were brave enough to share it out load in my journal and through my iphone lens knowing that we will not let them back down on their dreams! It is our goal to hold our friends accountable and do everything that we can to help them make their dreams a reality!

We could not be more excited and more honored to be able to share just a small snippet of the dreams that are going to happen! Sooner rather than later! ;)

Thank you to all of these brave friends who helped me complete my very own challenge while we all grew together on this AMAZING adventure of The What’s Next Tour.

Samantha and Graham Terhune

Natalie Franke

Melissa Rieke

Lara Kimmerer

Kellie Penn

Jessica McIntosh

Jenn Berelowitz

Gina Zeidler

Chris Wojdak

Amanda Watson

For our brave readers…. We would love to hear what your What’s Next is. Leave it in the comments and we would be honored to help you with your journey by being your accountability partners! ;)

More on our own What’s Next tomorrow…


Make what you LOVE be what you DO!

Dream Big, Dreaming  //  

Make what you LOVE be what you do!  We often hear it but don’t let it really soak in….

It’s easier to stay in a job then to build a business from scratch.
It’s easier to look at Facebook and Twitter than it is to outline a book.
It’s easier to say nothing then it is to ask for something you want.
It’s easier to watch TV then it is to go exercise.
It’s easier to sit quietly in a crowd then it is to volunteer and speak up.
It’s easier to procrastinate than it is to DO.

But the problem is, if you choose easy, you will never truly know your own potential.  You will never be able to say what you LOVE is what you DO.

Make what you love be what you do