Strong, Smart, and Brave… I am trying.

Celebrating the Everyday  //  

This is a pretty personal post (I feel like I should shorten that by just saying P3… you would know what that means, right?)… anyway, we are firm believers in being authentic and sharing the good, bad, and ugly. So, when it came to deciding whether or not we would put it out there that I am having surgery tomorrow- the obvious answer was yes! However, actually writing the post and sharing my real feelings is quite hard for me!

I am an introvert. Definitely an introvert! And when it comes to talking about myself, I am definitely not very good at it! ;) So, when it comes to talking about myself in a very personal way, I struggle. However, I have learned over the past few years that being vulnerable is a good thing and being honest during times that we just need some prayer and support can actually not only bring prayer and support, but it may actually help someone else along the way, too!

So, with those thoughts in my mind and in an effort to hopefully help someone else along the way… Yes, I am having surgery tomorrow to remove a cyst from my right ovary. I won’t go into crazy details, but basically I have always had painful monthly cycles. (Sorry- was that TMI?) ;) Last year, the doctor requested an Ultrasound to check everything out. The results showed a 3 cm cyst on my ovary. A follow-up MRI confirmed that the cyst seemed to be an Endometrioma Cyst (that would be caused by Endometriosis, but couldn’t be confirmed without surgery). Long story short… ;) I went to a new doctor this year for a routine exam. After reviewing my records, she requested a follow-up Ultrasound where they found the cyst had grown. At 5 cm, it is now at a size that they feel needs to come out via surgery.

The surgery is tomorrow and is supposed to be same-day, laproscopic surgery. I hear this is fairly common and actually is probably “not a big deal” in the world of surgeries! ;) (Thank goodness!) However, to be completely honest, I am a bit nervous! Every time I have brought it up to family or close friends, I have found myself just saying- “Oh, it’s not a big deal.” In the grand scheme of things, it really could be much worse and I am so incredibly grateful to know that they are able to get in there and take care of it. But, in the perspective of everyday life, it is kind of a big deal! Lol. It is not every day that I have surgery… in fact, besides getting my wisdom teeth out, this is all new to me. I honestly have no idea what to expect and am really just doing everything I can to go with the flow!

This surgery thing has provided a huge life lesson for me. I am learning that it is ok to reach out and ask for help. It is ok to share your personal struggles with those who will be there to listen and offer a positive thought. I am ALWAYS the one who strives to be that positive voice for other people, yet it is hard for me to share my own personal struggles when a positive voice could make the world of a difference for me! Ugh, I am definitely learning! ;)

With facing the reality that I will be having surgery tomorrow and I will be forced to relax for a few days of recovery, I am reminded to soak in this precious life! I am also reminded that those random little things that cause everyday stress in life, really are not worth worrying about! ;) Really… why do we let ourselves get so stressed over stupid stuff?! ;) (Or maybe that is just me?! In that case… huge note to self!)

I know the next few days will be a bit challenging and we could use all of the prayers and support you are able to share with both Ryan and I! ;) We would absolutely appreciate it more than you know if you could send a few prayers our way (or positive thoughts, if that is more your thing!) that surgery goes well and recovery is speedy! (Believe me, Ryan is praying for a speedy recovery, too! ;) ) Ryan will be my AMAZING caretaker (as he is every other day of our lives too!) and I have no doubt he is going to be the best caretaker I could ever dream of!

Ideally, I will only be laid up for a few days- so if you do need to reach us, please don’t hesitate! Ryan will be doing his best to keep up with all things for the business and life! (Gosh, what would I do without him?!?) If it takes us a little longer to respond to emails, please give us some grace!

Thank you so much for your love and support and prayers! It means the world to us that you are by our side helping us through this crazy journey of life and helping us learn these life lessons along the way!

If you are ever in need of a listening ear or a few prayers, please please please do not ever hesitate to ask!

Have an AMAZING Monday, friends! Make it an extra good one! ;)