Love Never Fails – Lara and Ari Amazing Life Together Webinar Preview

Life in Love  //  

Yesterday was such an AMAZING treat! It was my birthday! (WAHOO!) and that makes the day super special already! ;) But this day was so much more than my birthday!!! It was one of those days that I will forever remember in my heart!

A few weeks ago, as we were planning out the logistics for the AMAZING Life Together Webinar, we knew we would be traveling down to North Carolina on my birthday to film Lara and Ari’s Love Story. Knowing that we would be surrounded by Lara and Ari on my birthday was so exciting to me, but I had no idea just how special it would be!

Lara and Ari - Love Never Fails The AMAZING Life Together More Time for Love Webinar Preview

As I sat across from them on their cozy couch in the comfort of their bright southern home, I found myself getting emotional as they poured their heart out. They shared their story and as I fought back the tears, goosebumps filled my body. They passionately described the ups and the downs in hopes that their story will touch the lives of others! As the words poured from their hearts, I couldn’t help but thank God for the most AMAZING birthday gift I could have ever dreamed. I have tears in my eyes just thinking about the amazing blessing of their gifts in our lives!

We have been saying over and over again that even if we only have the ability to touch one other couple’s lives, this whole webinar is well worth it! And I can honestly say that has already happened! Hearing from Karen and Isaac and Lara and Ari already has taught Ryan and I more than we could have ever dreamed. As I sat there on the couch yesterday, I once again was reminded that this Webinar is so much bigger than us! SO much bigger!!! And we could not be more grateful for this gift and opportunity to share so many incredible INCREDIBLE stories with you all!

As we share this sneak peek of Lara and Ari (and their sweet daughter Grace, too!), we hope you will take a moment to sign up for this FREE webinar and open your hearts to the AMAZING gifts that the Love Inspirers have to share.


Yesterday, started out with breakfast in bed (thanks to my AMAZING husband, Ryan)! And as perfect as that was, I had no idea that was just the beginning of one incredibly AMAZING start to my 29th year (yes, Ryan just confirmed that means I just turned 28) ;)! On our way down to North Carolina, I said to Ryan, “Instead of my friends coming to me for a birthday party, I feel like we are on a week long birthday adventure where we get to see so many AMAZING people in our lives!” What a special birthday treat! ;)

Hanging out with Lara and Ari (and Grace, too!) was SUCH A BLESSING!!! Lara, Ari, and Grace, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for sharing your hearts and opening up your home with such a warm southern greeting! ;) Honestly, words cannot describe how grateful we are!

We finished off this incredibly AMAZING day with Brooke and Tony and Jessie and Mike (my cousins who live in NC!!!) and they made me feel like the most special girl in the world! ;) With balloons on their porch and a happy birthday banner in their home… they know how to make a girl feel extra special! ;) We enjoyed Brooke and Tony’s AMAZINGly perfect southern front porch and sipped on our porch wine (wine in a box, of course!) as we toasted to the warmness in our hearts that made us feel right at home! ;)

That is happy, my friends! (Thanks to everyone who made my Birthday so magical! Between the hugs, messages, texts, calls, etc… you all give me the biggest smiles and warm my heart in special ways! ;) Thank you!!)