AMAZING Marriage Project Documentary

Dreaming, Our Dreams  //  

As I think about what I want to write in this post, I am truly at a loss for words. I went to Pinterest in search of some inspiration for a quote or two on following your dreams. I found many… of course! ;) (Thank you Pinterest!) But with each one, I was feeling a little overwhelmed with everything that I would want to say.

A few months ago, Ryan and I had this crazy idea… The AMAZING Marriage Project. The goal was to photograph 15-25 married couples and learn as much as possible from them about what makes their marriages AMAZING! As the nominations rolled in, we quickly realized that our crazy dream just wasn’t crazy enough. There was more to it, for sure! The stories that many of you shared with us blew us away! They touched our hearts in a special way and we knew they had to be shared with more than “just” photographs! Our passion quickly grew and our dream exploded into something that we see as a mission to touch the hearts of others and hopefully make a big difference in people’s lives! From that very moment where the crazy idea popped into our minds, our dream evolved into a plan to create an AMAZING Marriage Project Documentary.

Ahhhh! CRAZY! ;) We have been talking about it among family and friends over the past few months, but I do not believe we have said it out loud on the Internet! ;) Eeek! That is a big deal, friends! ;) This is a crazy dream for us because we really do not know much about cinematography- let alone the world of documentaries! ;) We have so much to learn and over the last few months we have dove right in! The one thing we do have right off the bat is an amazing amount of passion to make a difference in the lives of others! This dream to touch people’s lives through this documentary is one that we pretty much have not stopped thinking about from day one! And every time the thought goes through our minds, a huge smile fills our hearts!

Along with the excitement, the past few months have reminded us that with crazy dreams also comes crazy fears! Believe me, the fears are incredibly present and it has already not been easy! ;)… and likely will only get harder! lol. One day we have no doubts and then the next, every single possible fear is being thrown at us like ping pong balls in a really bad game of ping pong! (Believe me, without hand-eye coordination, I have been on the receiving end of many of those bad games! ;) lol!) Here’s the exciting thing though… the beauty of dreams is that there is ALWAYS a way! Through every fear and every challenge we face, we can make it happen! (I say this as a reminder to ourselves to always follow that happiness in our hearts and the drive from above.)

On Sunday we have a crazy important meeting that we have been looking forward to for months! ;) We are making our way out to Portland (again) to meet with our AMAZINGly talented friends from Stillmotion! We are praying that this meeting leaves us with even more clarity in our pre-production plan to make this documentary happen!! We will definitely be sharing more details in the near future!!! (especially with all of the AMAZING couples who have been nominated!) We will definitely be seeking your help and encouragement along the way too!! If you are praying friends, we would so appreciate your prayers for safe travels and clarity in knowing our next steps towards making this crazy AMAZING dream a reality! And if prayers are not your thing… maybe you could send positive vibes?!?! ;) Please! ;) We would so appreciate it!

Here’s to making dreams a reality and saying really scary things out loud! ;)

P.S. This is another perfect opportunity to just say Thank You! I know this post has been a little bit all over the place… because honestly, our minds are a little bit all over the place right now! ;) We are excited and scared, but we know you all will be by our sides to help along the way! THANK YOU for always being that support for us! We are so grateful for you!