Be Brave Enough to Say Your Dreams Out Loud

Dream Big, Dreaming  //  

Leading up to this crazy adventure we just completed, we could not wait to be a part of something that was definitely going to change people’s lives. We knew that Justin and Mary had AMAZINGNESS in store and we were sure that all of the attendees of the What’s Next Tour would walk away with their hearts in a magical place. We knew that they would be touched in a special way and soon those dreams would become a reality.

We could not wait to embark on the crazy adventure for many reasons, but mostly because we wanted to be a part of this life changing experience! As we prepared for the trip, I decided to give myself a challenge to make sure that I did not miss anything. I challenged myself to strike up conversations with new friends (which is actually really hard for my introverted self) and find someone who would allow me to document this life changing experience for them. With a simple Instagram picture, it was my goal to capture a photo of an attendee at each stop holding my journal with their What’s Next written down within.

“Something really big happens when you are brave enough to say out loud, this what I want for my life.” These are just a few of the words that Mary spoke out loud at each and every stop. Everyone had the opportunity to share their What’s Next. To write it down and say it out loud. For these AMAZING new (and old) friends… they were brave enough to share it out load in my journal and through my iphone lens knowing that we will not let them back down on their dreams! It is our goal to hold our friends accountable and do everything that we can to help them make their dreams a reality!

We could not be more excited and more honored to be able to share just a small snippet of the dreams that are going to happen! Sooner rather than later! ;)

Thank you to all of these brave friends who helped me complete my very own challenge while we all grew together on this AMAZING adventure of The What’s Next Tour.

Samantha and Graham Terhune

Natalie Franke

Melissa Rieke

Lara Kimmerer

Kellie Penn

Jessica McIntosh

Jenn Berelowitz

Gina Zeidler

Chris Wojdak

Amanda Watson

For our brave readers…. We would love to hear what your What’s Next is. Leave it in the comments and we would be honored to help you with your journey by being your accountability partners! ;)

More on our own What’s Next tomorrow…